Explore Lucas County's parks and wildlife areas.
Barber Woods
Barber Woods is 38 acres of riparian habitat with the Chariton River Flowing through the middle of it. The west boundary is the Cinder Path pedestrian and bike trail.
- Bird Watching
- Hiking
- Small Game Hunting
- Deer Hunting
Be aware of pedestrians and bikers on Cinder Path at all times!
All hunting seasons are regulated as they are in the Iowa Hunting, Trapping & Migratory Game Bird Regulations handbook.
No ATV's, Horses, Motorcycles or Vehicles allowed on the area. No Camping.
Chariton River Greenbelt
The park's 630 acres of preserved land is open to visitors for hunting, bird watching, and hiking.
Pin Oak Marsh
45996 State Hwy 14
Chariton, IA 50049
More Info
Pin Oak Marsh
This 126-acre wildlife area provides visitors with fishing, hunting, bird watching, and hiking opportunities. It is also the home to our nature center, Pin Oak Lodge.
Slab Castle Wildlife Area
Slab Castle Wildlife Area is 458 acres of preserved land.
Gallery of Our Parks & Wildlife Areas