Clear · 34°

Teacher and Family Resources

Amphibians and Reptiles

Aquatic Invertebrates and Mussels

Birds - General, Bird Watching

Birds - Live Cams

Please note that once young have fledged, cameras may be turned off

Birds - Migration, Population Surveys, and Monitoring

Birds - Raptors

Birds -Waterfowl

Butterflies, Moths, Pollinators, and other Insects

Early Childhood Resources

  • KinderNature is a resource for parents and early care and education providers to assist in learning, developing, and implementing a well-balanced environmental education preschool program with developmentally appropriate activities that incorporate a variety of learning styles!
  • 10 Tips for Raising Outdoors-Loving Kids - The Big Outside blog
  • Children & Nature Network: The Children & Nature Network is leading a movement to connect all children, their families, and communities to nature through innovative ideas, evidence-based resources and tools, broad-based collaboration, and support of grassroots leadership.
  • Do Early Outdoor Experiences Help Build Healthier Brains? Richard Louv, Psychology Today 2/6/13
  • Right Where You Are Now - This video is a great example of what childhood should be about!

Endangered, Threatened, and Species of Concern


Geology, Rocks, and Coal Mining

Lead Awareness

Lucas County, Iowa - Links for Educators and Students


Outdoor Recreation

Prairies and Prairie Habitat Restoration

Soil and Plants

Teacher and Parent Resources

Trees and Forests

Water and Water Quality

Weather, Stars, and the Moon

Wetland Protection, Management, and Restoration

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